

Roberta Willis Scholarship Funding | Appropriations Committee

On February 22, Connecticut students that attend CCIC Member Institutions testified virtually in front of the Appropriations Committee to advocate for funding for the Roberta Willis Scholarship Program.

To watch a video of the students’ compelling testimony, click here.

The read testimony from CCIC and our Member Institutions, see below.

Testimony in favor of RWSP Funding:

Testimony in favor of Revisions to Stormwater Authority Legislation 

CCIC and its member institutions submitted testimony in favor of HB 5476 which sought to make revisions to recent legislation authorizing municipalities to establish Stormwater Authorities, which may assess fees on taxable and non-taxable property based upon the amount of impervious surface contained on the property. Fees collected by the Authority are to be used by the municipality to offset the cost of stormwater mitigation efforts.  HB 5476 bill sought to 1) assure property owners that invested to limit stormwater run-off would receive proper credit in the form of a partial fee reduction from the Authority and 2) remove grand list value as a factor a municipality can consider when establishing the fee structure for the Stormwater Authority.  Language to address this issue was ultimately incorporated in the budget implementer, HB 5506 (see Section 137).


 Additional bills that CCIC submitted testimony on during the 2022 Legislative Session:


Roberta Willis Scholarship Funding | Appropriations Committee

On March 4th, Connecticut students that attend CCIC Member Institutions testified virtually to advocate for funding for the Roberta Willis Scholarship Program by testifying in front of the Appropriations Committee.

To see a video of the students’ compelling testimony, click here.

The read testimony from CCIC and our Member Institutions, see below.

Testimony in favor of RWSP Funding:

Tiered PILOT | Finance, Revenue and Bonding Committee

CCIC and its member institutions submitted testimony in favor of SB 873, which seeks to revise the calculation of the amounts of grants in lieu of taxes paid to municipalities where non-profit hospitals and colleges are located, based on equalized net grand list per capita, among other things.  



Governor's Workforce Development Proposals | Higher Education & Employment Advancement Committee

CCIC and its member institutions testified in favor of the Governor's Workforce Development legislation, SB 881, which seeks to expand access to post-secondary opportunities in Connecticut, among other things.



Roberta Willis Scholarship Funding | Appropriations Committee

On March 7th, Connecticut students that attend CCIC Member Institutions visited the state Capitol to advocate for funding for the Roberta Willis Scholarship Program by testifying in front of the Appropriations Committee.

To see a video of the students’ compelling testimony, click here.

The following written testimony was also submitted:

Sacred Heart University
University of Hartford

Academic Program Approval | Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee 

The Higher Education and Employment Advancement Committee hosted a public hearing on February 14th on SB 26: AN ACT MAKING PERMANENT THE MORATORIUM ON APPROVAL OF A CERTAIN NUMBER OF PROGRAMS AT INDEPENDENT INSTITUTIONS OF HIGHER EDUCATION.  This bill permanently exempts non-profit institutions of higher education in Connecticut, that meet specific standards, from getting approval by the Office of Higher Education for each new academic program it introduces, for up to 12 new programs a year.  To review testimony from this hearing, see below.   To learn more about this issue, click here.

Albertus Magnus College 
Goodwin College
Mitchell College
Fairfield University
Sacred Heart University
University of Bridgeport
University of Hartford
University of Saint Joseph

Additional Testimony from CCIC and its member institutions from the 2019 legislative session:


Roberta Willis Scholarship Funding - Appropriations Committee

On February 15th,  Connecticut students that attend CCIC Member Institutions visited the state Capitol to advocate for funding for the Roberta Willis Scholarship Program by testifying in front of the Appropriations Committee.

To see a video of the students’ compelling testimony, click here.

To see CCIC’s testimony, click here. 

Additional Testimony from CCIC



Opposing cuts to the Roberta Willis Scholarship Program and providing support for the Governor’s proposal to move the Office of Higher Education to the State Department of Education: 
Albertus Magnus College
Connecticut College
Goodwin College
Sacred Heart University
University of Hartford
University of Saint Joseph
Watch students who receive grants from the Roberta Willis Scholarship Program testify here.



Supporting SB 1, An Act Concerning Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Connecticut's Economic Future

Supporting SB 24, An Act Concerning Program Approval for Independent Institutions of Higher Education:

Support for SB 24 from Connecticut's business industry:

Opposing HB 5044, the Governor's budget bill for FY 17, which seeks to cut and consolidate the Governor’s Scholarship Program.

Supporting HB 5332, An Act Concerning the Governor's Scholarship Program, which makes important modifications to the program.



Opposing the Speaker’s proposal eliminate the tax exemption for any real and personal property acquired after July 1, 2016, by private nonprofit institutions of higher learning (HB 6965)


Opposing the Governor’s proposal to exclude CT students attending independent colleges from the Governor’s Scholarship Program



Community Contributions

Opposing the Speaker's Proposal to eliminate the PILOT program (HB 5583)

Seeking Changes to the Governor's Scholarship Program (HB 5468)


Opposing the Governor's Scholarship Program (SB 844)

Supporting Changes to Streamline the Academic Program Approval Process (SB 1139)


Opposing Cuts to the CT Independent College Student Grant (CICS)

Opposing Changes to Eligibility to Participate in the CICS Program Based on an Institution's Endowment

Streamline Program Approval Process



Our Colleges