University of Saint Joseph offers tuition savings to healthcare workers enrolling in Masters program 7/17/2024
Yale University architecture students have designed and built affordable homes in New Haven 6/26/2024
Wesleyan University's Center for Prison Education graduates students with liberal studies degrees 6/25/2024
University of Bridgeport and Bridgeport Public Schools announce new scholarships for local grads 6/21/2024
Trinity College students give back to community through the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program 3/7/2024
Albertus Magnus College student athletes in hockey expand opportunities around the sport to city students and residents 1/29/2024
University of New Haven student launches nonprofit following transformative service experience 1/19/2024
University of New Haven partners with City of New Haven in federal grant for gun violence prevention 12/8/2023
Quinnipiac University students join hands to make blankets for kids and families at McDonald House 11/30/2023
Fairfield University's School of Engineering and Computing awarded $35,000 SuSTEMability Grant 11/30/2023